Miami Heat vs Charlotte Hornets Game #64 Notes
Heat-Hornets film notes: Williams helping off Bam/Ware, spacing issues, Bridges & Heat spamming the same action in the clutch
Welcome to my game notes. A simple, basic idea where I’ll be sharing my notes from each Heat game. It will be going through the game in a chronological order, going through anything that stood out to me, whether it’s actions, themes, adjustments or anything fun — if you have followed me on Twitter, it’s basically what my old game threads used to be. Each quarter will have the video accompanied at the beginning that include all of the notes, and additional clips throughout to highlight those individual plays. It’s to allow me to nerd out focusing on the Xs and Os more freely.
1st Quarter
11:50 — Nice play for Herro. Wiggins coming off a handoff from Bam into a Herro PNR. That ends in a switch and Herro has a good look coming off the flare screen from Bam. Wide open 3pt
11:02 — Davion-Ware quick PNR reject, drive and kick to Bam for a strong corner 3pt. Williams was helping off and that’s going to be the story of the game
10:30 Williams is just sagging off Bam whether he has the ball or not. Bam is just a hub looking for someone or something. Ends in a Wiggins late clock PNR that gets a long 2pt
9:26 — Williams again helping off Bam to deter shots from the rim. He stopped the initial drive from Herro. Helped off Bam in the dunker spot then from the corner
9:03 — Wiggins quick drive off catch but Williams is helping off Ware this time to be in the paint. Not even paying attention to Ware above the break
8:35 — Bridges and Williams looked to sag off Bam and he confidently goes for the pull up. If he sees that much space, he needs to let it fly
8:10 — Bam hub waiting for handoffs and Williams is just sagging off in the paint a lot. You also have Bridges on Ware helping at the nail. Just awful spacing for any action
The spacing issues has been bad so far
7:10 — It’s the same thing with Bam being the hub and Williams helping off. Him dropping and staying in the paint takes everything away. Ends in Herro-Bam PNP with a pop for 3pt
6:37 — Wiggins-Davion-Bam PNR but Bam doesn’t really sets that second screen and Williams is just dropping back. Ball goes under Wiggins and forcing that pull up
6:00 — Herro Ware empty PNR drive turns the corner to the paint and has a lob to Ware vs Nurkic
5:20 — Herro-Davion handoff into Ware PNR. Curls and gets to the paint for the floater. That is going to be his shot a lot of the time
4:18 — Great read from Ware to beat the closeout instead of just going for the 3pt(he missed a 3pt a previous possession on a similar look) and goes for the drive and a great pass to Wiggins cutting
I have liked the flashes of Ware’s passing whenever it happens
3:14 — Late clock Wiggins ISO post vs a smaller mismatch. Gets to the paint and no help comes at all. No help even showing. Gets a clean hook
1:48 — Duncan-Rozier pistol handoff into Bam PNR. Bam slips and rolls. Duncan has the curl and drives to the rim
They go to this play every single time Duncan checks in and has Bam in the game
1:15 — Rozier-Duncan-Bam PNR. Seth switches and goes under. That turns into Rozier hub waiting for Duncan to come off screen. Seth also stunts from Rozier. That has been a common help against these plays lately
0:48 — Bam in transition! Quickly looks to bring ball and attacks Nurkic. Draws the and-one
2nd Quarter
11:38 — JJJ ISO post vs Seth. No help is coming but showing some in the paint. Great read from Haywood to cut with the possession not going anywhere with JJJ backing down
10:22 — Bam ISO post and just does the same thing as JJJ. Backs down with defense showing but not much outside of one player off of Rozier 1 pass away. Takes too long to make the read on the kick out
9:10 — Bam ISO post vs Bridges. Looks to attack baseline but then the help comes. JJJ is being guarded by a big
There’s been a lot of JJJ as the hub with shooters looking to get open
7:42 — JJJ hub with Williams guarding him. Turns into Rozier off Bam screen into a PNR but Bam’s roll is taken out because Williams ignores JJJ
7:10 — Williams helping off Bam completely and just ignores him the ENTIRE possession to be in the paint deterring shots away
6:42 — Rozier-Bam PNR pocket pass but Williams is on JJJ in the strong corner ignoring him and that takes away the lane. JJJ doesn’t look to shoot it and it’s a charge on the closeout drive
6:23 — Early offense. Pushing pace and Herro quickly attacks off the catch. He beats the closeout well but is met with Williams helping off Wiggins in the strong corner
Williams in the PNR defense has taken everything away because he’s also just dropping a lot
4:50 — BLOB. Wiggins off catch looks to attack but Williams staying in the paint off Ware
4:25 — Wiggins off Davion handoff into Ware PNR and it’s the same thing. Williams is in drop and making all of that tougher than it needs to be
3:10 — Herro Bam PNR rejects it and looks to attack. Williams dropping and I don’t know what kind of shot selection is that going for the contested floater
2:35 — Davion hub. Wiggins off Bam screen, no advantage with Bridges going under. Just went for a long pull up. Williams again helping off Bam
1:48 — This needs to be a kick from Wiggins. That was just BAD. Had the drive and Diabate was helping off HERRO. Make the simple kick one pass away
3rd Quarter
10:48 — Herro-Bam-Ware PNR. Williams sagging off in the paint off of Ware. Bridges switched the first screen and Bam slips but that doesn’t matter because Williams already stops that
9:18 — Herro beating the closeout well again against Bridges. He has the drive but has to stop short on the floater because Williams is helping off Bam off the short corner! Gets the ORB but then Bam is deterred on the shot because of his presence
Williams rim protection has been so good
8:42 — Wiggins off a pindown into a handoff but then takes a quick pull up 3pt. Why? Also, Williams ignoring Bam. Again.
7:55 — Herro off a Bam handoff looks to quickly drive but Williams is helping off Ware above the break and whole thing resets because it forced a kick but no one else was helping off
6:40 — Wiggins ISO post late clock but the defense again doesn’t look to help. Can’t backdown the smaller guy well, and it’s a TOV
5:00 — Herro hub. Bam off Duncan screen into Duncan handoff quick 3pt. This is going to be an important action later in the game
2:15 — Herro rip through move gets the foul! This is becoming a regular thing
1:45 — Herro-Bam high PNR. Draws a slight show from Nurkic. Open Bam short roll and easily drives for a foul
4th Quarter
11:48 — JJJ ISO post hub with Duncan screening and cutting but no advantage. Turns into a JJJ go-to work kind of possession vs Bridges. Settles for a tough hook over him
11:10 — Duncan-Bam handoff and gets the Seth switch but that’s great recognition from Bridges to kick the mismatch out. Bam just immediately goes for the pull up
10:31 — Not sure if I like this very quick, early pull up from Duncan. Too 3pt happy
8:55 — Rozier hub. Duncan quick off Bam screen and settles for another early 3pt. I don’t like these quick looks
8:25 — Bam ISO post vs Bridges with the side cleared. No advantage but then ball gets swung. JJJ is guarded by Nurkic
7:28 — Just a very questionable shot from Herro. Why are we looking for a contested high floater over 2 lengthy defenders with 16s left
7:20 — Ware hub. Herro handoff and goes into the paint for the same floater over Williams dropping
6:22 — Another questionable possession from Herro. Just him handling the ball and looks to attack in traffic and forces a floater
5:50 — B2B bad possession from Herro. Another one with him just handling and ends in a TOV on the drive in traffic
4:48 — Wiggins hub. Bam off Herro screen into a Wiggins-Bam-Herro Spain PNR and goes into a pull up 3pt off the Bam screen with Bridges fighting over
4:20 — Same exact play but this time he doesn’t make the pull up. Defense switched this time and it was actually a better look
3:45 — Wiggins hub. Bam off Duncan screen into a quick open middy. Williams didn’t fight over well
3:10 — Herro-Bam high PNR. Gets the drive vs drop but just bad decision on the dumpoff TOV
2:50 — Herro hub. Bam off a Duncan screen into the elbow hub. Then Duncan screens Herro into a handoff for quick 3pt. Williams sitting in the paint
2:12 — Herro hub. Bam off a Duncan screen into the elbow hub. Duncan sets the screen for Herro. Defense doesn’t want to switch that. Bam finds the cut then but Williams takes the switch and it’s tough shot making from Herro
1:45 — Herro hub. Bam off a Duncan screen into a PNR with Duncan. Looks to attack and draws a foul
1:07 — Herro hub. Bam off a Duncan screen into the high post hub on the other side. Herro comes off a Duncan screen into the handoff for a quick pull up vs drop
0:35 — Herro hub. Bam off a Duncan screen into the elbow hub. Duncan looks to screen Herro. Herro quickly flows into the handoff then PNR and a pull up vs drop
Five identical set ups with five different options and outcomes
1st Quarter
11:26 — Wiggins doing a good job on Ball 1v1 and around screens. Doesn’t give anything up but the team gives up a ORB on the first possession TWICE
10:45 — Davion trailing Ball bad off-screen and that forces Herro to peel switch but it’s an open floater
10:12 — Going under Bridges twice giving up a wide open pull up. He doesn’t make it here, but that’s going to matter later
6:53 — Another Bridges PNR and Bam does goes under… now it’s a make
6:15 — Bridges-Green PNR hunts Herro on the switch and they give it. Gets to the paint but help is coming form Davion. Late foul
5:00 — Ware allows the roll to get the pocket pass a bit too deep in the paint. That happened once already
4:10 — Bridges double PNR with Wiggins trailing badly. Died on the screen. Ware was in a drop but then contested the pull up. They are giving Bridges the room
3:35 — Nurkic ISO post vs Ware. Gets to the paint, backs him down for a clean hook
3:00 — Wiggins again is dying on the screen. Badly gets hang on to Nurkic
Heat have went to a LOT of zone.
0:36 — solid possession in zone not allowing any breaks on the 3pt line and forcing Ball into a tough shot
2nd Quarter
Starting the quarter back to man
There’s been a lot of digging and stunting from Rozier
A lot of the looks from the Hornets have been bad 3s without any dribble penetration
10:03 — Getting into the middle of the zone has been an issue for a few possessions in a row
9:50 — Just bad awareness that has Bam left with a 1v2 and an open lob for Bridges
9:20 — Bridges getting Duncan on the show then has the easy drive. No resistance at all and Bam does come to help late but a foul
8:26 — What a great help from Haywood to cut off the drive… but he’s also stunting from Bridges
A lot of the possessions have been in zone now
7:50 — Bridges catches the ball in the middle then just attacks Rozier easily to the rim
Bridges has been getting those flash cuts almost every time
6:55 — Bridges quick ISO drive and once again gets to the middle collapsing the defense for an open kick to Ball
6:13 — Ware late reaction after he helped on Ball in transition. Didn’t realise that there was Williams rim running. Ends in a foul
Back to man at 6:00
5:48 — Bridges Wiggins PNR getting Herro on the show then ends in a switch flows into a handoff for an open pull up
Back to zone a minute later. Ended up giving an open 3pt
4:40 — Pelle showing so much help at the nail and leaving him prone to get beat by Bridges attacking off the closeout. Ware with late reaction again and it ends with no help
4:00 — Ware in a deep drop but then somehow fails to meet Williams until it’s too late and it’s another foul
3:30 — Bam switches on Bridges and that stalls the possession. It’s a late clock and Bridges had to create something. Tried to attack Herro on the show
2:15 Bam again switching on Bridges in the PNR. No advantage on the drive
1:10 — Bam switches on Ball and he just chucks up a 3pt. Missed rebound. Herro loses Green. That’s just pure hustle
0:57 — Bridges gets Herro on the switch. Draws a double open kick for a 3pt. Another ORB given up
0:5 — Bridges PNR hunting Herro on the show. Wiggins looked to recover but he was going downhill already
3rd Quarter
11:45 — Davion with good pressure vs Ball and then he also draws an offensive foul
He’s probably leading the team in that already
Ball hasn’t been really able to get any drives in. And it definitely feels like he’s just settling for shots
10:20 — Davion great defense sticking with Ball then Ware comes in with the save from the weakside
10:10 — Wiggins getting so badly beat by Bridges 1v1. Just one cross and he’s gone. Ware looked to help but then just loses his man on the dumpoff
8:25 — Herro with a good 1v1 poss vs Ball. He looked to size him up and just pokes the handle on the cross well
Bam has been switching on Ball a few times now
7:25 — Bridges-Green PNR hunts Herro on the show and it’s an under so open pull up 3pt. He’s making them now
B2B bad transition defensive plays ends in an open corner 3pt and dunk
5:36 — Ware with poor defense on Williams. Just getting outhustled for post positioning
5:14 — Just an awful possession. Not getting back off a miss and it ends in an open corner 3pt. Giving up ORB because no one pays attention
4:00 — Ball tries to hunt Duncan but good rotations and recovery from everyone. Bam just saved this possession
3:25 — Ball PNR looks to hunt Herro on the show, switch, double, swing and open 3pt
2:55 — Ball PNR hunts Duncan and gets a drive. Foul
A lot of hunting starting to happen now
2:30 — Bam on Ball but tries to hunt Duncan. No advantage, though
2:00 — Ball PNR looking to get Duncan on the show and it’s an open pull up
1:28 — Giving up another ORB because of not paying attention. That was on JJJ
4th Quarter
Starting in zone
10:50 — Rozier getting beat off the catch by Flynn. That’s just bad closeout, leaving yourself prone to that
10:23 — Bridges hunts JJJ on the switch, drive but great strip
Pretty much all possessions in zone now and Hornets can’t figure it out
7:36 — Great Haywood defense on the strip vs Bridges drive
77-88 11pt lead with 6:40 left. That’s where things changed
6:37 — Williams gets in the middle of the zone for the open floater. Ware doesn’t step up on time to contest
6:00 — Haywood just killed the possession on that late foul. Bailed them out completely on the Flynn 3pt
5:38 — Ball PNR. Wiggins just DYING on the screen again. Each time, he’s literally just stuck there. Gives an open 3pt with Ware in deep drop
5:07 — Ware giving up ORB to Williams. No box out and no one had Flynn anywhere either. This happened TWICE. Then it’s Ware defending in drop but gives up the roll and fouls in the end. Just an awful possession
4:34 — Bam on Ball. PNR to get Duncan switch then another PNR and Ware allows ANOTHER open roll. It’s also another foul that’s just bad
4:05 — Ball PNR to get Duncan on the show no advantage. Swing to Bridges that takes ISO stepback 3pt vs Bam. Ties the game
3:28 — Ball PNR gets Duncan on the switch with the side cleared but just swing for Bridges 3pt. Settled
2:30 — Zone def but it left Wiggins with a 1v2 on the Ball PNR. Help comes from the strong corner from Herro. Green able to beat the closeout and now finds a cutter. Haywood lost his man
1:55 — Similar set up with Bridges PNR attacking the no defense from a big. Has the open lane for the drive and floater
That is a curious set up to have a guy set a PNR twice but not have a screener defender
1:20 — Wiggins with great defense vs Ball 1v1 and on the drive. Recovers for the block
1:16 — These are the shots that Bridges just makes after you constantly gave him the space and rhythm to get into those looks
0:45 — Having said that. Herro gives up an open 3pt to Bridges off a drive from Ball
0:20 — Lol. This possession was a dagger. Off a potential game winner from Herro on the pull up. No one runs back and Williams gets a dunk
what is up with our 4th q. 😭