Miami Heat vs Chicago Bulls Game #63 Notes
Heat-Bulls film notes: a lot of bad defense, giving up so many easy drives
Welcome to my game notes. A simple, basic idea where I’ll be sharing my notes from each Heat game. Most won’t have much analysis other than just keeping track of what happened. It will be going through the game in a chronological order, going through anything that stood out to me, whether it’s actions, themes, adjustments or anything fun — if you have followed me on Twitter, it’s basically what my old game threads used to be. Each quarter will have the video accompanied at the beginning that include all of the notes, and additional clips throughout to highlight those individual plays. It’s to allow me to nerd out focusing on the Xs and Os more freely.
1st Quarter
11:50 — Davion-Wiggins-Ware PNR gets a drive and a good dumpoff for Ware
11:18 — Wiggins quick ISO vs Giddey with the side cleared gets to the paint for a clean look. Ware with a good clean up on the putback
10:10 — Not sure if I like this floater from Herro in semi transition with the defense in the paint. There was still 17s on the clock
9:40 — Wiggins-Bam PNR turns into another ISO vs Giddey but this time it’s a tough shot
9:04 — Davion hub. Herro off Ware pindown. Gets the pass but the help is strong at the nail off Davion
8:35 — Herro-Davion pistol handoff into a Bam PNR. Herro draws 2 with Collins showing and drags it out to kick to Davion but defense recovers well
7:45 — Davion hub. Herro again off Ware pindown into a very quick, early 3pt. Leaning shot, too
7:30 — Another questionable shot from Herro. Why is he forcing a floater in the paint that’s contested on the break that’s 1v3
7:10 — Bam in transition. Great drive to draw a foul
6:25 — More Wiggins ISO vs Giddey but just goes quickly for a contested long 2pt. Early shot. That’s three possessions for Wiggins that all have turned into an ISO and a contested shot
6:02 — Davion hub. Herro off Ware pindown and curls to the paint for a floater. That’s the third time Herro is coming off a screen. Haven’t been much on-ball
5:00 — Herro-Bam handoff draws 2 again with Collins showing. He drags it out again and makes the skip to Wiggins. He doesn’t take the 3pt but attacks off the catch into the paint
3:40 — Haywood hub. Herro off Ware pindown. Curls again for that same floater. That’s been the go to action for Herro so far
3:10 — Herro quick ISO drive and goes for that rip through move and draws the foul
1:07 — Bam elbow hub into an ISO. He looks to attack but spins into nothing and picks up the dribble. He has White digging and doesn’t look to make the kick to Duncan
2nd Quarter
11:05 — JJJ-Haywood PNR vs Bulls zone. He gets a good drive to the paint then finds Bam on the relocation cut for the floater
10:45 — JJJ-Haywood PNR again and it’s a quick drive-kick to Haywood popping for 3pt
Bam has had a few possessions standing in the corner already
8:57 — Duncan-Haywood handoff drive baseline and drawing defense for a kick to Rozier for 3pt. Bam is again just standing around the 3pt
7:20 — Great possession keeping the advantages going. The ball movement and attacking off the catch. Making the drive and kicks kept the possession going and it ends with a Rozier 3pt
A lot of the Wiggins scoring is coming around the paint on those hooks and tough shots
2:35 — Duncan off screen but there’s nail help off Davion again to take away the drive and 3pt
2:23 — Davion is freaking fast as hell. That was a great push in transition
0:50 — Just a Bam ISO vs Collins with the side cleared as he looks to drive baseline gets doubled but no advantage and def recovers
3rd Quarter
11:36 — Bam off a cross screen into ISO post vs Collins gets to the paint and goes for a quick fade. Defense in the paint and had open kicks to Wiggins
9:18 — Bam ISO post vs Giddey with the side cleared. Double is coming quickly from Jones of Herro but then White quickly rotates off of Davion and it’s a turnover
8:55 Bulls have gone to zone a few times already. This time it’s just a quick swing to Herro for a deep 3pt
6:40 — Davion hub. Herro coming off a stagger and it’s a quick 3pt
There’s been a lot of Herro coming off screen
5:05 — Davion Hub. Herro off quick cross screen from Bam. He looks to curl but Collins is helping off Bam and just blows everything up
4:20 — Herro-Duncan PNR. Duncan ghosts it and Herro has the lane to drive but Collins again helps off Bam, who just did nothing on the break and it’s a skip to Davion instead
4:03 — Herro-Duncan PNR again. Duncan looks to ghost again but this time it’s a switch and Herro bursts to the rim but it’s a blown layup
3:40 — Herro off Rozier handoff into a double PNR with Duncan-Ware. Ware rolls and draws the tag from White, which opens up the skip to Rozier
3:03 — Herro-Ware-Duncan PNR. Rejects it and it’s another roll from Ware that draws the tag and a skip to Haywood
Herro has been making those reads with ease
4th Quarter
11:35 — Rozier-Bam PNR vs zone. He has the drive but makes a pass way too soon for no reason when he had the clear lane in the paint. He made a pass early, which let Smith recover to JJJ cutting quicker
Bam standing in the corner with some actions with Duncan and JJJ doing nothing. A few of these possessions has him away from the action
8:50 — Bam ISO. Patient and just gets to the rim with ease for the foul vs Smith
7:56 — Not sure why Wiggins is taking that shot off the BLOB. A long contested 2 with 15s on the clock
7:40 — Bam ISO post vs Giddey. He’s drawing help from Huerter inside the paint and there are 4 bodies inside. He forces a bad shot for no reason then there was time
6:05 — Herro-Bam PNR. Just holding the ball and wasting time to go into a quick pull up 3pt. I don’t like this possession at all
Bulls have gone to zone a lot in the 4th
A lot of the process on offense is just so bad. Not getting into actions quickly. Players not being in the right spot.
3:55 — Wiggins-Bam PNR drive and occupies the defense with Collins. Great strong roll from Bam to catch the pass already at the rim
2:26 — Probably the worst shot in the 4th and that was the Herro 3pt in transition that got blocked by Giddey
1:18 — Wiggins-Bam-Herro Spain PNR gets a good downhill drive to the rim vs Collins
A lot of the offense was going through Wiggins on-ball
1st Quarter
11:05 — Giddey-Collins PNR going at Ware in drop and opens up the pop for 3pt with no stunt nearby. Open look easy make
10:32 — Bam is on Giddey and is helping strong at the nail on the Matas PNR. Giddey-Collins PNR again and goes to attack Ware in a drop but a great block
9:16 — Matas off a stagger. Bam isn’t attached and is forced to go under and that’s way too long so it’s an open 3pt
8:10 — Ware switches twice on PNRs. One against Giddey then again against White. No advantage. Ball gets moved to Collins for an iso post vs Wiggins. Help comes but now they’re in rotation and Giddey beats Wiggins on the catch
7:15 — Another great possession from Ware. Late switches on White. No advantage there and Bam is also showing more help off of Giddey. Ware peel switches on Giddey and gets the block
That’s 4 switches from Ware
7:03 — Giddey double PNR. Wiggins trailing badly and forces Herro to take the switch but that’s late and it’s a strong drive but he blows the open layup
Bam is matched up with Matas for the most part with the starters
5:43 — Davion slow reaction on the Huerter relocation and gives up a 3pt off a Giddey drive, paint touch, kick
4:43 — Giddey-Collins PNR. Wiggins hasn’t been going over screens well and gets hit but there’s no driving lane available. Bam is helping off Matas at the nail. Turns into Collins ISO post vs Ware. Ends in a bad foul
4:25 — Transition. Off a miss Huerter runs the wings and gets to the rim. Defense not back
4:03 — Giddey pushing pace and has the ISO drive vs Herro. No resistance at all on the drive and draws Ware to sink in and that opens up Collins for the 3pt
3:04 — Herro with great 1v1 defense vs Terry. Closeouts from Haywood was on point vs White and forces a tough 3pt
2:26 — Everyone switching up top with Duncan/Rozier/Haywood and doesn’t allow anything
2nd Quarter
11:45 — Great poss that didn’t allow anything. No rotation and all 1v1 defense has been solid that forced another late contested shot
11:23 — Coby PNR drive vs JJJ on the switch but is seeing Rozier digging from Huerter baiting the kick for 3pt
10:50 — Haywood with great 1v1 defense vs Coby on the drive forces a tough fade
Everything has been tough for the Bulls so far. Many switches and digs from one pass away in the paint
8:45 — JJJ showing too much help from Giddey at the nail and that leaves him prone to getting beat off the catch, which forces Bam to help and it’s a dumpoff
But that nail help has been strong to discourage drives
5:52 — Matas-Collins PNR. He rejects it and Wiggins reacts to it late and gets beat. Ware wasn’t in position but I don’t know if he expected Wiggins to ICE or not
3:52 — Ware switches on Coby in the PNR but that was a great hesitation move to beat him to the rim. Also, good read from Collins to set a Gortat screen
3:15 — Matas-Collins empty PNR. Wiggins is again dying on the screen and trailing. Ends in a foul for Ware
Wiggins has been bad with his defense on screens
2:43 — Coby-Giddey PNR attacking Herro on the show and late switch. No help at all from either Ware/Bam in the corners. Easy layup
2:11 — Coby-Giddey PNR. Has Herro on the show and then Bam comes to double. Collins short roll into Matas 3pt. Interesting to see the Heat fearing Coby like that
1:35 — Bam is on Coby and takes care of that. But Giddey just ISO drive vs Herro and easily gets deep in the paint. Forces Ware to help and finds Collins cutting
0:14 — Coby-Huerter PNR hunting Duncan on show drawing 2 then easy drive, paint touch, and it’s a kick to Giddey for 3pt after Bam had to sink down
3rd Quarter
11:56 — Jones-Coby ghost PNR. Attacking Herro on the show and easily blows by forces help from Ware off the corner and it’s an easy kick for Collins 3pt
11:25 — Coby off catch drive vs Davion forces help and it’s another kick to Collins 3pt one pass away.
2 3s in a row for Collins from a drive forcing help
10:25 — Bam on Matas in the strong corner good stunt off it to prevent the drive and recovery
9:56 — Coby-Jones PNR gets Herro on the switch easy drive, deep paint touch, forcing Ware to help off and kick to Matas 3pt. Doesn’t make it
9:07 — Giddey Horns action. PNR with Jones to get Herro on the switch and it’s a very easy drive. Both Ware/Bam are away from the paint. Bam is on Matas in the far corner
8:40 — Coby off stagger. Davion goes under twice but then finds himself trailing and it’s now attacking Ware in drop but it’s too late. Coby draws the foul
The help on nails and elbow continues to be strong to prevent drives, especially in early offense
7:20 — This can’t happen. Off a make, Collins gets a layup on the other end
6:53 — Another breakdown. This time off the inbound. No one is guarding Huerter. Miscomm with Davion and Wiggins. Once Huerter makes the pass, it’s quick give-go
6:05 — Transition. Off a TOV. Easy rim shot. Lob to Matas
4:38 — Early offense. Huerter easy ISO drive vs Haywood. No resistance and it’s a layu
4:10 — Early offense. B2B. Giddey pushing pace and it’s an easy ISO drive vs Haywood again. No resistance and another layup, foul
3:45 — Coby-Giddey PNR. Gets Duncan on the switch and it’s such a quick blow by. No help anywhere or rotation from Ware. It happens too fast
3:26 — First zone poss. Not allowing a single break in the 3pt line. Huerter bad pass TOV
2:53 — Early offense. Coby quick ISO drive vs Rozier. No resistance at all. He’s walking to the paint after the burst and the nail help isn’t discouraging him because the blow bys happen too fast
0:33 — full court press into a zone
The Heat have ended the third with Ware in a zone for a lot of it
4th Quarter
11:45 — Transition. Off a TOV. Coby quickly pushes pace and attacks Bam off the catch and beats him. Draws a foul on Duncan
10:42 — Coby quick ISO drive vs Haywood. He’s getting to the paint with ease and just draws the foul. Bam is also looking to help
9:40 — Giddey pushes pace and it’s a quick ISO drive vs Duncan. Walks to the rim. Bam is the low man and doesn’t help
9:13 — Jones hub. Off screen plays are negated with a switch. But then Rozier just gives up a wide open lane and there’s no help at all because no one is nearby
8:40 — Same play but with Giddey as the hub. Haywood gets caught on the screen and is trailing, which forces Bam to help and it’s an open Smith pop 3pt
8:12 — Transition. Off a TOV. Jones pushes pace and finds Giddey. Quick attack off the catch vs Rozier and it’s another walk to the rim. With no help at all. Bam is up top on the trailer
6:50 — Transition. Off a miss. Jones pushes pace and it’s an easy ISO drive to the rim. Way too fast
6:20 — Herro gambles on the passing lane and it’s Jones drive off the catch. Wiggins is so late to react and there’s no help at all with the exchange
5:56 — Transition. Off a miss. Jones pushing pace and finds Smith rim running. Bam is the first one back but doesn’t take Smith. No communication on who takes ball and who takes the rim runner
4:12 — Jones quickly attacks off catch vs Herro. Bam sinks to help but it’s already a deep paint touch. Somehow he gets his own rebound and muscles way through a layup
3:39 — Great poss to blow everything up. Davion sticks with Coby off screen and doesn’t allow anything and then Bam gets the deflection
2:25 — Early offense. Off a miss. Giddey pushes pace and beats Herro forcing the stunt from Rozier and it’s an open Jones 3pt
2:00 — Transition. Off a TOV. Jones pick 6 lay up.
1:30 — Giddey-Collins-Coby Spain PNR. Defense switches but there’s miscomm with Davion/Wiggins on the second switch. Davion gets beat by Coby on the recovery
0:16 — Awful possession. That started with Herro just doing whatever on the kind of double then being lost as the ball got moved